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Services offered by the TANHERB society to the members
  • Soil Testing for ascertaining the suitability of Herbal Cultivation & Irrigation facilities.
  • Supply of Seeds & Seedlings.
  • Supply of Bio-fertilizers & Bio-pesticides.
  • Offering Agro Technology Package and Cultivation Economics.
  • Assisting the farmers for selection of herbals based on the standard of land and irrigation facilities.
  • Offering contract farming & Buy-Back Arrangements.
  • Offering services in Quality control & Standardization procedures of Raw Herbals & Value Added Herbal Products
  • Assisting the young entrepreneurs to commence herbal related Small, Medium & Large. Herbal Food, Cosmetic & Medicine Industrial projects on turn-key basis.
  • Assisting the member to obtain Banking Assistance & Subsidy from Govt./Banking /Financial Institutions and other products and serivces of State / Central Govt organizations
  • Crop Insurance Scheme & Individual Life Insurance Policy for Herbal Cultivations.
  • Marketing & Global Exports Assistance.
  • Central & State Government Assistance.
  • Bio-Tech park, Food park, Export Zone & Cold Storage Facilities for medicinal plants.
  • Safeguarding the patent rights & conversion of medicinal plants and safe guarding the endangered species and Intelectual property Rights.
  • Instituting medical plants concept in Waste land Development & Environment Pollution Control.
  • Inculcating the Importance of medicinal plants in Human Health Care.
  • Application of medical plants in Pharmaceutical, Cosmetic & Food Industries.
  • Conducting the Certificate, Diploma, Degree & Post Graduate Courses under the guidance of renowned Universities & Institution of Govt. of India.
  • Manpower & Technical Assistance, Guidelines from Experts.
  • Serving the Addresses of Local Herbal Dealers & Foreign Importers & Exporters on demand data base and export & import formalities.
  • Conducting permanent Herbal Exhibition at AHFTER Society in Madurai and Chennai for the public, exhibiting Herbal Materials, Herbal value added products & Herbal Books.
  • Conducting every week Free Medical Camp at AHFTER Society Office and providing Herbal Medical Experts Consultation for the public.
  • Conducting awareness programmes on “Quality Herbal Cultivation, Quality Control & Standardization, Industrialization and Export of Medicinal Plants” at the District Head-Quarter with a view to harness the golden green mine of medical plants.
  • Imparting training for the unemployed rural artisans, young entrepreneurs, Women folk in the field of Herbal industrializationand implementing “Village Herbal Health Care Scheme”, “Village Herbal Cottage Industries Scheme” and “Village Herbal Garden Scheme” and “Village Herbal Commercial Scheme” throught the nation.


The Association shall have the following objectives:

Our Motherland bestows us a great Honor which is unique in nature when it is compared with Global distinctions vast stretch of Golden Green Mine of Medical Plants and Herbal. It becomes a perquisite and prerogative of every one of us harness the precious and prestigious threshold judiciously with conservation to take a lead in the world arena. As it conduces, a premier and prominent organizational society is necessitated with a mandate to co-ordinate, promote and sustain cultivation, conservation, industrialization, trading, marketing, processing and exporting of Medical plants and Herbals. To accomplish this objectives The “All India Herbal Farmers, Traders, Exporters Research Society (AHFTER) is formed to discharge and disseminate the following activities and programmes.

1. To Advocate appropriate cropping of medical plants/ Herbals on soil type and agro climatic conditions for which Soil Testing Laboratory Service is to be rendered for ascertaining the suitability of the Crop.

2. To supply seeds seedlings, Bio-Fertilizers and Bio-Pesticides.

3. To offer Agro Technology Packages and cultivation Economics.

4. To popularize various kinds of Medicinal plants suitable for our Agro climatic conditions.

5. To encourage the establishment of irrational managements facilities.

6. To offer contract Forming and Buy-Back Arrangements.

7. To offer quality control and Standardization Service Procedures from Rawstage to value Added finished stage.

8. To develop infrastructure for efficient post Harvest Management.

9. To disseminate information on market intelligence.

10. To promote processing and distillation industries for value addition.

11. To assist the young entrepreneurs to commence herbal small, Medium and large scale Herbal cosmetic food Medicine Industrial Projects with turnkey basis.

12. To assist and obtain help from support Service organization like banks, Insurance Companies, Financial institutions for financial Assistance and Insurance coverage for members and the society.

13. To co-ordinate with the institutions like APEDA, NABARD, CIMP, NHB, NCDC, NMPB, Agricultural Universities, Biological Institutions, R and D Institutions and Foundations, Bio-tech.

14. To co-ordinate with Agricultural Export Zones (AEZ), Agricultural Processing Zones (APZ) Bio-Tech Park (BTP) and Food Park (FP).

15. To lay demonstration plots and to conduct Herbal Seminars, Exhibitions and Workshops.

16. To provide linkage among producers, traders, Exporters and Research and development Scientists.

17. To conduct programmes to inculcate the importance o Medicinal plants and Herbals in human health care and its applications in pharmaceutical, neutraceutical, cosmetic and Agro Chemical Industries.

18. To conduct certificate, diploma, degree and post graduate courses under the guidance and affiliations of renowned universities, R and D institutions, HRD, research foundations and Government of India Institutions.

19. To offer manpower and technical assistance and guidelines of export.

20. To maintain a library by Herbal cultivation, Trade and Export and to offer Market Information Services (MIS) and Herbal Data Base (HDB) with a view to establish a nation wide communication and net work.

21. To institute area expansion programme in the Management of vast land Development and Environmental protection Medicinal plants and Herbals crops cultivation procedure to maintain ecological balance.

22. To safeguards the patent rights and to conserve the endangered species of medical plants and Herbals.

23. To institute well knit transport arrangements, cold storage facility, post harvest infrastructure facilities like pre cooling, grading, packaging, storage etc.,

24. To obtain training for farmers and processing industry personnel for improving Agro economic practices and new Bio-prospecting Technologies.

25. To promote Hi-Tech cultivation under controlled climatic conditions (i.e.) in poly houses, Green houses and net houses etc.,

26. To prepare and submit precise, perfect, properly designed project proposals with the clear indication of future benefits and as per the guidelines of National Medicinal plants Board and financial institutions lending with the prescribed format.

27. To parade the skills by exchange of technical know-how.

28. To conduct observations cum study Towns within the country and abroad.

29. To establish seed and gene banks and tissue cultural units.

30. To prepare a CD-ROM in a professional way for the benefit of farmers, traders, exporters, scientists, and professionals etc., which would include information about the high quality production, packaging, post harvest management, cool chain domestic and export markets etc.,

31. To implement villages Herbal Health care scheme and “Village Cottage Industries” Scheme so that the rural artisans and unemployed youths may be imparted training to utilize the locality available Herbals for industrial purpose.

32. To impart and disseminate GMP, GLP and GAP practices among the members and the public.

33. To arrange display plots of “Human Herbal Garden” in villages which exhibits” to identify and use the relevant Herbals to the particulars system of the human body.

34. To impart training and knowledge about the industrial utilization of Medical plants/herbals for students of School level to College level with a view them to earn while learn.

35. To assist the Doctors of all decline in conducting chemical and clinical analysis in the field of medicinal plants and herbals and also making a co-ordination with R & D Institutions.

36. To Help the Traders and the Exporters to participate in the national and International Herbal Trade Exhibition and Seminars.

37. To make a Network of village Herbal Industries to the International markets with the help of e-mail and Satellite facilities.

38. To assist the Farmers and Traders in e-mail Trade.

39. To Train the Self-Help Groups (SHGs) and the NGO s in the Herbal related Trade and Industries.

40. In short, by clubbing the Indian Man Power Natural Resources and Brain Power to take a lead in the world arena by harnessing the Golden thresh-hold of the Green herbals and brining India a Healthier and a wealthier country.

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